Cherrydale Champagne

2017 Chestnut Mare | In foal to STONECROFT MASQUERADE for 2024

SpiceOLife Present Tense GCH

Arboria Noble Victor

Noble Command

UVM Victoria

SpiceOLife Allura B

Shaker's Alimon

Serendipity Glory B

Cherrydale Casseopia

Minion Millennium

Minion Valentino

Pompp And Pazazz

Cherrydale Gabriella


WRA Timeless Glory

We felt extremely lucky to have had a filly by the late, great World Champion and sire of World Champions, SpiceOLife Present Tense GCH. She was bred to be a future producer, and we have confidence that she won’t let us down!

Her dam is our incomparable World Champion Mare and Park Saddle horse, Casseopia, so we anticipate that Champagne may be her mother’s replacement in the future.

Cherrydale Casseopia



2379 Beechwood Rd.
New Wilmington, PA 16142

Cherrydale Morgan Horses

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